Alumni Members

Alumni Association - Executive Body





  Mr. S. Sreedhar



  Mrs. B. Divya

Vice President


  Mr. N.V. Murali Krishna

General Secretary


  Ms. Chukka Mokshavathi

Joint Secretary


  Mrs. P. Jyothi



  Ms. S. Lakshmi Naga Aparna

Executive Member


  Mrs. M. Jyothi

Executive Member

Duties And Responsibilities of The Executive Body:

1. President:The President will preside over all the meetings of the Executive Committee and General Body. He is responsible for the overall growth and well-being of the Association and control over all the activities of the Association.

2.Vice President:She aids the president in fulfilling her responsibilities, and in the absence of the president, she is tasked with performing the duties entrusted to her by the president.

3. General Secretary:He serves as the executive officer of the society and is responsible for proper maintenance of records of all correspondence, liaison between association, alumni, Alma Mater and take such other responsibilities that may be assigned by the EC from time to time. He shall issue notices for all meetings and make necessary arrangements, for holding meetings.

4. Joint Secretary:She is tasked with fulfilling the responsibilities assigned by the executive committee. Proper maintenance of accounts is a crucial aspect of her duties. In the absence of a secretary, sheis authorized to assume the duties typically performed by the secretary.

5. Treasurer:She bears the responsibility for all financial transactions and funds of the society. This includes the proper maintenance of accounts, and she is required to prepare the society's accounts in collaboration with the secretary or the president, while also keeping track of the associated vouchers. She shall arrange for obtaining grants and donations for the activities of the Alumni Association.

6. Executive Members:The office bearers of the association are regarded as responsible members, and it is expected that they attend all meetings and other activities of the association as entrusted and assigned by the Executive Committee.

7. Quorum:The quorum for the Annual General Body Meeting is set at half of the total members (1/2). No business shall be transacted at any General Body Meeting or Executive Committee unless there is a quorum.

8. Funds:The funds of the Association are to be utilized solely for the achievement of its objectives, and no portion of these funds shall be disbursed or transferred directly to any of the members through any means.

9. Amendments: No amendment or alteration shall be made in the purpose of the Association unless it is voted by 2/3rd of its members present at a special meeting convened for the purpose and confirmed by 2/3 of the members present at second special meeting.

10.Winding Up:If the society needs to be dissolved, the property and funds remaining after settling any liabilities shall be transferred or paid to another institution with similar aims and objectives.